When a client wants help with their bedroom – which I love to do – my request is simple. Let’s do a clean and basic floor plan. Maybe it’s a bit modern, but walking into one of your most important spaces each night should feel restful. Too many pieces of furniture can feel overwhelming and can create places to put unnecessary junk on. Reducing the amount of furniture reduces the amount of clutter in your space.
The furniture I recommend is a bed, night tables, and perhaps a bench or ottoman to sit on while putting on your shoes. I recommend putting your dressers in your closet if your closet is large enough. If you’re anything like me, you get up several times throughout the night, and the last thing I want to do is trip over something – hence keeping the furniture to a minimum. Experts link clutter to higher stress levels, so minimizing it will lead to a more restful night of sleep. If you would like to make your bedroom healthier, you might consider adding a lovely green plant to improve the air quality in your room.

Here’s a bedroom with a whole lot going on. We prefer clean, simple lines to create comforting spaces. What do you prefer?

We transformed this bedroom into a zen space that our client loves.