Are you tired of looking at the flat matte paint on your wall? Do you constantly think, “This room needs something?” Wall coverings are a great way to dress up your space. There are many different palates, prints, and textured papers out there on the market; the trick is finding the perfect one that suits your room and your personality.
Why not use a fun wall covering in your powder room? A powder room is the perfect opportunity to break away from the safe and the ordinary and to go out on a limb and be creative. A whimsical wallpaper or a bold print can make these small spaces extraordinary. Unlike the rest of your home, which should seem cohesive, these rooms give you a chance to break the rules and be bold!
In bedrooms, living rooms, and entryways, textured wall coverings are a great way to go. These places should be soothing and inviting. Using textured paper adds a touch of elegant detail in a simple, understated way without taking away from the rest of your design. I am personally crazy about grasscloth coverings and have loved them for thirty years. That just goes to prove what I believe: beautiful things will always stand the test of time!